If the trees can talk

C-PLATFORM × Edwina fitzPatrick Project DescriptionArchive of the trees. div.justify {text-align: justify;text-align-last: distribute;line-height:200%;}The poet, W.H. Auden wrote ‘A culture is no better than its woods’. ‘The archive of the trees’ (www.archiveofthetrees.co.uk) commissioned by Fermynwood Contemporary Arts (http://fermynwoods.org), and funded by Arts Council England, tested this idea. The residency...

A Plant’s Diary:Different Kinds of Air

C-PLATFORM × Emily Parsons-Lord   Project Descriptiondiv.justify {text-align: justify;text-align-last: distribute;line-height:200%;}300-350 million years ago oxygen levels were nearly double what they are today, supporting mega flora and fauna. 252.5 million years ago, the Earth experienced the greatest extinction event with 93-97% of species on land dying out and...


C-PLATFORM × Catherine Sarah Young Project Description Climate Change Couture What do we wear in a future under climate change? Climate Change Couture was first developed in collaboration with researchers from the Singapore‐ETH Zürich Future Cities Laboratory (FCL) during an art residency. The artist designed the garments based...

Plastic Ocean

C-PLATFORM × Thirza Schaap Q & A Q:C-PLATFORMA:Thirza Schaap div.justify {text-align: justify;text-align-last: distribute;line-height:200%;}Q:What compelled you to move to South Africa and how did you decide to start this project? A:At first I wanted to experience how my life would be living under the sun instead of the overcast weather...

I Malus – a story of the Apple

C-PLATFORM × Andrea Caretto&Raffaella Spagna Project Descriptiondiv.justify {text-align: justify;text-align-last: distribute;line-height:200%;}Caretto|Spagna, on this occasion in the role of artists and curators, as it sometimes happens with the modality of their artistic practice, summarize in a rich set up the path – of study, meetings, narratives, organization, physical...

Underground Sound of Rain

C-PLATFORM × Kuribayashi Project Descriptiondiv.justify {text-align: justify;text-align-last: distribute;line-height:200%;}Kuribayashi often says, "The truth resides in places that are invisible. Once you are aware of that there is a different world out of sight, you will be living in a different way." The invisible realm and its boundary...


C-PLATFORM × Koen Vanmechelen Project Description div.justify {text-align: justify;text-justify: distribute;line-height:200%;letter-spacing:0.5px;}The CCP has created crossbreeds that defy expectations. The Cosmopolitan Chicken Research Project (CC®P) studies them and confirmed Vanmechelen’s assumptions of the genetic enrichment through crossbreeding. Over the years, Vanmechelen’s hybrids have shown to be more resilient, live...

Plant Exploration

C-PLATFORM × De Onkruidenier Project Description div.justify {text-align: justify;text-align-last: distribute;line-height:200%;}Fieldwork Station A mobile studio for the work of de Onkruidenier that facilitates all the steps from fieldwork and harvesting plants to creating new narratives on site. The Fieldwork Station is launched during exposition BAL! at Paleis Soestdijk between...